yoshieYoshie Nakayama, from Tokyo, is a second semester Contemporary Writing and Production major and trombone principal. She also studies jazz vocals, and has a strong interest in a cappella.

今日の記事は、先日Paquito D’Riveraを迎えて開催された、Latin Jazz Program のレポートです。

このワークショップはPaquito以外にもBerkleeの講師であるOscar Stagnaro , Fernando Brandao, Betram Lehman, Leo Blanco, Mark Walkerによる講義やアンサンブルクラスで、ラテン音楽を学ぶことができるものです。




Yoshie Nakayama

Yoshie Nakayama

Yoshie Nakayama, from Tokyo, is a Contemporary Writing and Production major senior. She studies arranging, recording/mixing with ProTools, playing trombone for concerts/recordings, and singing in vocal ensembles. She graduated Kunitachi College of Music in Tokyo with Bachelor of Music from Music Education major, Music Education minor, with a license of teaching music in japanese Junior high/senior high schools.
Yoshie Nakayama

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