Berklee Blogs

First-hand accounts of the Berklee experience

Tag: Spring Break

Spring Break

A Dutch Spin on the Vinyl Music Business

IMG_0087By Gigi Tsakiris

International Music Licensing is a class that prepares its students to expose themselves to and become aware of diverse practices found around the globe. We are given the opportunity to explore and learn about different approaches found within countries all over the world, as well as participate in an exchange program where we got the chance to travel to the Netherlands, and interact with its culture, ideologies, and approaches. Our stay in the Netherlands was filled with travel, education, and interaction. We got a chance to explore Amsterdam as well as attend classes at Inholland University in Haarlem, where we learned about copyright law, music supervision, management approaches, live entertainment, music licensing, and more.

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yoshieYoshie Nakayama, from Tokyo, is a 5th semester Contemporary Writing and Production major, trombone principal student. She studies arranging, recording/mixing with ProTools, and vocal ensemble. She graduated Kunitachi College of Music in Tokyo with bachelor of music from Music education major. She has license of teaching music in japanese Junior high/high school.


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Spring Break!

Saudações da vila de Stamford em Nova York! Este artigo será sobre um dos momentos mais esperados do ano acadêmico, o Spring Break! O spring break é uma semana inteira sem aulas. O ‘feriado’ ocorre logo após as provas de meio de semestre, os midterms. A maioria dos alunos da Berklee optam por viajar durante a semana off para relaxar e recuperar as energias depois da intensa semana de testes. A escola oferece uma produtiva viagem para Nashville para aqueles interessados em misturar turismo com negócios. Mesmo tendo tomado outro rumo este ano eu escolhi escrever sobre esta grande oportunidade oferecida pela escola anualmente.

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